We are board governed and non-political. A minimum of 75% of Board Members are Mi’kmaq volunteers.

Mawita'mk Society -3700

Our board is made up of well-respected volunteers. A minimum of 75% of the Board Members are Mi’kmaq from across Unama’ki (Cape Breton). The Board President must be Mi’kmaq. As a registered charitable society, Mawita’mk is non-political. We are audited on an annual basis and our annual financial reports can be available upon request.


Board Members:

Norma Gould, President

Carol Ann Paul, Vice President

Holly Hudson, Secretary

Audrey Heidi Marshall, Treasurer

Michelle Sylliboy

Laurianne Sylvester

Noah Cremo

Margaret Pelletier

Judd Poulette

Kendall Sylliboy

Harmony Doucette


Rosie Sylliboy, Executive Director

Darlene Ellis-Beaton, Manager

Mawita'mk relies on donations of time, resources, and money to continue its work leading the way in community care for Mi'kmaq people with disabilities. We thank all of those who have helped along the way, and invite you to join us today.

Board President

Robert Bernard

Ben Sylliboy - 2005

“This is something Indian Affairs has not done for our people. They have no programs for adults with disabilities, they have nothing set aside for them. Everybody in crisis was put away. There was no place for them, no services within their community. Parents wonder what is going to happen to my child.”

You Can Help

You can join us to help build a brighter future for Mi'kmaq people with disabilities. We invite you to be part of this exciting project by making a donation. All donations will directly benefit Mi’kmaq persons with disabilities.

Donate Today

Help us create more opportunities for Mi'kmaq people living with disabilities.