Mawita’mk – A Registered Charity
Our Mission
We are a Mi’kmaq charitable society who value and support the gifts of people with disabilities and our youth. We strive to see that they receive the services and supports within their cultural community.
Mi’kmaq people with disabilities, living in community are not funded or supported by the province. Families need to deal with several layers of bureaucracy to access supports. Across Canada, there are jurisdictional disputes between the provinces and the federal government and indigenous people with disabilities lack the support they need. The federal government remains negligent in their lack of services for indigenous people with disabilities. There is no core funding for Mawita’mk. Indigenous Services Canada funds the Confederation of Mainland Mi’kmaq (CMM) who in turn fund Mawita’mk, per person per day of care.
Province of Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia Department of Community Services (DCS) recognizes and licenses Ni’kinen as a Group Home. The province inspects Ni’kinen on a regular basis but does not provide any financial support. There are no Mi’kmaq Social Workers or Mi’kmaq Co-ordinators hired to support our staff in the work we do.
Canada’s Assisted Living Program 2024
- Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) funds Service Providers recognized by Province
- Indigenous Services funds in-home care, adult foster care, institutional care
- Indigenous Services funds Type I and Type II Adult Care (non-medical)
- CMM is the Recognized Funding Recipient for 13 Mi’kmaq communities
- CMM funds recognized service providers across the province
- Mawita’mk is the only Mi’kmaq Service Provider in Nova Scotia
- Mawita’mk is funded per person, per day of care. No core funding.
The Board of Mawita’mk is non-political and is made up of Mi’kmaq volunteers who are well respected within their communities. Board members come from various communities in Unama’ki (Cape Breton Island).
You Can Help
You can join us to help build a brighter future for Mi'kmaq people with disabilities. We invite you to be part of this exciting project by making a donation. All donations will directly benefit Mi’kmaq persons with disabilities.